Continuando os trabalhos com Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c, hoje iremos aplicar o patch em um ambiente com As atualizações de versão são versionadas usando um dígito final que indica a versão da RU e são cumulativas, o que significa que a RU mais recente inclui a funcionalidade de todas as atualizações de versão anteriores.
Download do patch para o Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.5.
Download do OMSPatcher (mecanismo de patch) para aplicação de patch do Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13.5.
Descompactar instaladores.
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ unzip
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ unzip
ShellScriptVerificar versão atual do OMSPatcher, utilitário de aplicação de patch.
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/emcc/middleware
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher version
OMSPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Tue Apr 28 18:16:31 PDT 2020
OMSPatcher succeeded.
ShellScriptAtualizar o OMSPatcher (mecanismo de patch), similar ao utilitatio OPatch do Oracle database.
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ cd $OMS_HOME/
[oracle@srvem middleware]$ mv OMSPatcher/ OMSPatcher_old/
[oracle@srvem middleware]$ cd /u02/instaladores/
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ mv OMSPatcher/ $OMS_HOME/
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher version
OMSPatcher Version:
OPlan Version:
OsysModel build: Tue Apr 28 18:16:31 PDT 2020
OMSPatcher succeeded.
ShellScriptVerificação e validação de possíveis erros antes da aplicação do Patch.
oracle@srvem instaladores]$ cd /u02/instaladores/34158673
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -analyze
OMSPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
OMSPatcher version :
OUI version :
Running from : /u01/app/oracle/middleware
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/opatch2022-09-06_21-40-51PM_1.log
OMSPatcher log file: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-40-52PM_apply.log
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server URL(t3s://srvem:7102):>
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server username(weblogic):>
Please enter OMS weblogic admin server password:>
Enter SYS Password :
Checking if current repository database is a supported version
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-40-52PM_apply.log
Recommended actions: Please verify the error details and try again.
OMSPatcher failed with error code 231
ShellScriptBug code 231 Doc ID 2257840.1:
Ao tentar realizar a validação obtive o erro OMSPatcher failed with error code 231, para contornar este erro basta ler a nota Doc ID 2257840.1 aplicando a opção -bitonly.
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -bitonly -analyze
OMSPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
OMSPatcher version :
OUI version :
Running from : /u01/app/oracle/middleware
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/opatch2022-09-06_21-43-49PM_1.log
OMSPatcher log file: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-43-50PM_analyze.log
WARNING: OMSPatcher has been invoked with bitonly option but the System patch provided has deployment metadata.
Invocation in bitonly mode will prevent OMSPatcher from deploying artifacts.
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126708 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126767 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33424187 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34003672 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126771 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126761 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126726 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126711 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126716 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33873314 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126738 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126720 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126751 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126747 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33873406 passed.
Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720" and Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"...
Sub-patch(es) "34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"
Complete Summary
All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/2022-09-06_21-43-49PM_SystemPatch_34158673_1"
Prerequisites analysis summary:
The following sub-patch(es) are applicable:
Featureset Sub-patches Log file
---------- ----------- -------- 34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720 34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720_opatch2022-09-06_21-43-54PM_1.log
The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
1) OMSPatcher has been invoked with bitonly option but the System patch provided has deployment metadata.
Invocation in bitonly mode will prevent OMSPatcher from deploying artifacts.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-43-50PM_analyze.log
OMSPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$
Enter SYS Password :
Checking if current repository database is a supported version
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_11-52-45AM_analyze.log
ShellScriptParar o Serviços do cloud Control:
$OMS_HOME/bin/emctl stop oms
ShellScriptAplicação do Patch
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher apply -bitonly
OMSPatcher Automation Tool
Copyright (c) 2017, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
OMSPatcher version :
OUI version :
Running from : /u01/app/oracle/middleware
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/opatch2022-09-06_21-49-06PM_1.log
OMSPatcher log file: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-49-07PM_apply.log
WARNING: OMSPatcher has been invoked with bitonly option but the System patch provided has deployment metadata.
Invocation in bitonly mode will prevent OMSPatcher from deploying artifacts.
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126708 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126767 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33424187 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34003672 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126771 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126761 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126726 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126711 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126716 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33873314 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126738 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126720 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126751 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 34126747 passed.
Prereq "checkComponents" for patch 33873406 passed.
Running apply prerequisite checks for sub-patch(es) "34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720" and Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"...
Sub-patch(es) "34126771,34126708,34126711,34003672,34126767,33424187,34126738,34126726,33873314,34126761,33873406,34126747,34126716,34126751,34126720" are successfully analyzed for Oracle Home "/u01/app/oracle/middleware"
To continue, OMSPatcher will do the following:
[Patch and deploy artifacts] :
Do you want to proceed? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y
Applying sub-patch(es) "33424187,33873314,33873406,34003672,34126708,34126711,34126716,34126720,34126726,34126738,34126747,34126751,34126761,34126767,34126771"
Please monitor log file: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/opatch/opatch2022-09-06_21-49-11PM_1.log
Complete Summary
All log file names referenced below can be accessed from the directory "/u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/2022-09-06_21-49-06PM_SystemPatch_34158673_1"
Patching summary:
Binaries of the following sub-patch(es) have been applied successfully:
Featureset Sub-patches Log file
---------- ----------- -------- 33424187,33873314,33873406,34003672,34126708,34126711,34126716,34126720,34126726,34126738,34126747,34126751,34126761,34126767,34126771 33424187,33873314,33873406,34003672,34126708,34126711,34126716,34126720,34126726,34126738,34126747,34126751,34126761,34126767,34126771_opatch2022-09-06_21-49-11PM_1.log
The following warnings have occurred during OPatch execution:
1) OMSPatcher has been invoked with bitonly option but the System patch provided has deployment metadata.
Invocation in bitonly mode will prevent OMSPatcher from deploying artifacts.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/middleware/cfgtoollogs/omspatcher/34158673/omspatcher_2022-09-06_21-49-07PM_apply.log
OMSPatcher succeeded.
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$
ShellScriptLogs para acompanhar o startup:
[oracle@srvem log]$ locate emctl.log
tail -f /u01/app/oracle/agent/agent_inst/sysman/log/emctl.log
tail -f /u01/app/oracle/gc_inst/em/EMGC_OMS1/sysman/log/emctl.log
ShellScriptPara sincronizar com o EM Management Server:
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emcli sync
ShellScriptIniciar os serviços do Oracle Cloud Control verificando a nova versão:
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl start oms
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl start agent
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl getversion oms
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $OMS_HOME/bin/emctl status oms
[oracle@srvem instaladores]$ $AGENT_HOME/bin/emctl status agent
ShellScriptEm caso de rollback da aplicação do patch:
[oracle@srvem 34158673]$ $OMS_HOME/OMSPatcher/omspatcher rollback -analyze -id 34126708,34126767,33424187,34003672,34126771,34126761,34126726,34126711,34126716,33873314,34126738,34126720,34126751,34126747,33873406